Lack of maintenance can cause major issues for AC/Heating systems. You may have to deal with a variety of problems if you neglect your regular tune-up. Always reaching out to a local HVAC company to service your system twice a year is an excellent way for you to stay proactive and avoid many of these issues. Here are a few of the most likely things that can happen if you fail to keep your system well maintained.

1. Costly Breakdowns

Over time, a heating and cooling system may eventually break down due to a lack of maintenance. These repairs can often be expensive and create a lot of stress. The easiest way to reduce the need for repair work is to schedule routine maintenance services. An HVAC technician will inspect your entire system and make any adjustments to ensure everything is working at an optimal level.

2. Reduced Lifespan

Another disadvantage of poor maintenance is that it can reduce the useful life of your system. The average lifespan of most HVAC systems is around 15 years, but this expectation can be cut much shorter if you fail to keep the equipment professionally maintained. The investment in maintenance services is well worth maximizing the life of your unit.

3. Higher Utility Bills

An AC/Heating system may gradually begin to operate less efficiently over time if not properly maintained. You might notice your utility bill being higher, and these costs can become significant after a while. One of the best ways to improve the efficiency of your system is to schedule HVAC maintenance services twice a year. Experienced technicians will thoroughly check and make adjustments to your system to help keep your home feeling comfortable.

GVEC Air Conditioning & Heating offers heating, cooling, and indoor air quality repair, installation, and maintenance services for customers throughout Gonzales, Seguin, New Braunfels, and the surrounding areas. This includes seasonal AC/heating system maintenance through our HVAC Spec Check and Check-N-Save programs.

HVAC Spec Check offers a comprehensive checkup of your system twice yearly, in fall and spring. Customers enrolled in the HVAC Spec Check also receive a discount for parts not covered under warranty.

For customers not interested in committing to a seasonal maintenance agreement, there’s Check-N-Save. Check-N-Save is a one-time maintenance tune-up you can call and schedule anytime.

We take pride in always delivering quality HVAC services, and we’ve been doing it for over 50 years. To find out more about GVEC’s HVAC Spec Check and Check-N-Save programs, call us today at 800.328.0630.

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